I’m Phyllis Barrington
Before I got to this point, my life and health were a complete and total mess. In my previous incarnation this time around, I was a school teacher for 25 years. I was ultimately faced with a health crisis that prompted me to retire early and seek out alternatives for my own healing. Using hypnosis, alternative therapies and frequency machines, my health returned to normal and my second career occurred.
I now bring teaching into a different kind of classroom
I help you find your own answers
& empower you with tools
to support your own changes. I see wonderful changes happen all the time with hypnotherapy! Hypnosis helps to give you that “aha” that the mind needs so that changes don’t require as much will power. The success rate is phenomenal as demonstrated by my follow-ups. Of course, your desire to change is paramount and hypnosis is also a terrific way to release ‘hang-ups’ that are holding you back in life… from health to finances to relationships.
I was married and have a daughter and a son, whom I lost a few years ago. I will say that losing our teenage son in a car crash changed my perspective concerning everything and my life is now all about “I’m okay when you’re okay.” I continue to train with the foremost leaders in hypnosis and alternate healing and continually research new and emerging fields, as I am passionate about helping others to help themselves.