Schedule A Session From Anywhere

there’s no such thing as too far away

You Don’t Always Have To Be Present

As fantastical as it may sound, remote work for you or on behalf of someone else can be done from great distances. You do not always have to be present. Likewise, a lot of work can be taken on via Skype, FaceTime or Google Hangouts. You can use any three of these devices with a desktop Mac or PC, mobile phone or tablet.

I have done numerous sessions for clients in my office while they are elsewhere in the world. You don’t actually have to be present for certain type situations. In cases such as these, simply contact me if you’re far away and let’s discuss your situation and see what can be done.

Phyllis, Thank you tremendously for your help in getting me on my way to recovery with this sore throat. It was so sweet of you to answer my FB post that morning and offer to help me. My doctor was not available and now I’m glad she wasn’t. You saved me by helping me over the phone with your Hypnosis and energy work. Placing the phone down and on speaker … relaxing me as you talked to me and using your Far Infrared wand over your throat where mine was hurting was amazing. I had so much faith in you and now I’m a believer and will call upon you for help again. Results were there and I recommend anyone to come to you for help. So glad you have the natural power of healing with energy from miles and miles away, not even in the same room. It is incredible.

Catherine Smith

Carthage, Texas