Confidential Questionnaire for bach therapyCheck the Yes radio button ONLY if the statement applies to you at this specific time in your life. CONTACT INFOFirst Name *Last Name *Date *Email *Phone * QUESTIONSONLY CHECK THE BUTTON IF THE ANSWER IS YES. OTHERWISE, IGNORE THE ANSWERS. 1-3Do you have fears which you cannot explain? yesDo you often find yourself distressed and anxious, but are unable to put your finger on the problem? YesDo you wake with a sense of apprehension and foreboding, feeling that something bad may happen, but don’t know what it may be? Yes4-6Do you have specific fears you can identify and would like to overcome? YesAre you shy and easily frightened by particular circumstances and things? YesWhen faced with situations or things that frighten you, do you become nervous and too paralyzed to act? Yes7-9Do you fear losing control of your mind or body? YesAre you compulsive, or have impulses to do things you know are wrong but have difficulty controlling your actions? YesDo you fear losing control and hurting yourself or others? Yes10-12Do you worry over the health and safety of your friends and family? YesDo you fear that something may happen to those close to you? YesDoes your over-concern and worry for others cause your considerable distress? Yes13-15Do you suffer from extreme terror? YesDo you tend to panic and become hysterical? YesAre you troubled by nightmares? Yes16-18Do you lack confidence in your ability to judge things on your own and make decisions? YesDo you find yourself asking other people’s advice, even when you know what you want? YesAfter taking advice from others, do you find yourself confused by the choices, constantly changing your direction according to the latest recommendation? Yes19-21Do you suffer from indecision, uncertainty or hesitancy? YesDo you have difficulty choosing between one thing and another? YesDo you experience extreme mood swings, or have difficulty in keeping your balance? Yes22-24Are you dissatisfied with your current role in life, feeling that life is passing you by? YesHave you tried many different directions in life, but nothing seems to bring satisfaction? YesWould you like to find a new lifestyle, career or change your old one, but have difficulty with deciding what you should be doing? Yes25-27Do you lack confidence? YesDo you not try things for fear of failing? YesDo you feel inferior, and that others are more capable and qualified than you? Yes28-30On rising in the morning, do you find yourself tired, not wanting to get up? YesDo you feel some part of you needs to be strengthened before you can tackle the day? YesDo you find once you have started your daily activities your tiredness is forgotten, and you’re able to complete your task? Yes31-33Are you absentminded, or does your attention easily wander, making it difficult to concentrate? YesDo you find you have little interest in present circumstances, often daydreaming, wishing you were somewhere else? YesDo you find yourself dozing off frequently, regardless of where you are? Yes34-36Do you find you are caught between living in the present and dwelling in memories of the past? YesAre there things you would like to have done with your life but never had the opportunity to do? YesDo you find yourself reminiscing about the good old days, wishing you were able to live life over again? Yes37-39Do you find you are indifferent and apathetic toward life? YesAre you resigned to your current circumstances, making little effort to improve things or find joy? YesDo you feel you’ve given up and don’t care one way or another what happens? Yes40-42Are you troubled by persistent unwanted thoughts? YesDo you worry or have mental arguments which circle round in your head? YesDo you have difficulty sleeping due to mental chatter and worries? Yes43-45Do you find you don’t learn from past experiences, repeating the same mistakes or patterns of behavior? YesDue to lack of observation, do you find it necessary to go over things already done? YesIs there a particular situation or condition continually recurring in your life which you would like to overcome? Yes46-48Are you now going through, or have you recently gone through, illness or personal ordeal which left you physically and mentally drained? YesDo you tire easily with no reserve energy to complete your tasks or enjoy the day? YesDo you feel sapped of strength and vitality, where even the least effort exhausts you? Yes49-51Do others find you aloof, prideful and at times condescending? YesDo you keep to yourself, not wishing to be interfered with or to interfere in others people’s affairs? YesAre you self-reliant and prefer spending your time alone? Yes52-54Do you find yourself losing patience, becoming tense and irritable with people and things that move too slowly for you? YesDo you do things in a rush, racing from one place or situation to another? YesDo you find you need to work alone, because others can’t keep up your pace? Yes55-57Do you find others avoiding conversation with you because you tend to talk a great deal? YesDo you dislike being alone and seek the company of anyone willing to listen to your troubles? YesDo you feel the need to steer conversations back to your special interests or problems, and are reluctant to discontinue them even when the listener has to leave? Yes58-60When worried or in pain, do you tend to conceal it from others, making light of even the most trying of circumstances? YesDo you go out of your way to avoid burdening others with your problems, giving in to the wishes of others in order to avoid an argument? YesWhen troubled, do you find yourself drinking alcohol or using stimulants or other drugs to assist in keeping up a happy disposition? Yes61-63Are you easily imposed on because of your willingness to help others? YesIs it difficult for you to say no when you’re asked for help, becoming more a servant than a willing helper? YesDo you neglect your own needs, because you are too busy taking care of other people’s needs? Yes64-66Are you involved in a relationship or situation that you would like to be free of, but cannot break away? YesAre you currently in a state of transition or change? YesIn the midst of this change, do you find that you’re having difficulty in letting go of past attachments or in starting new beginnings? Yes67-69Are you suspicious and mistrusting of other people’s motives and intentions? YesDo others find you spiteful, envious, jealous or vengeful? YesDo you find yourself lacking compassion or warmth towards others? Yes70-72Are you rarely content with your accomplishments, feeling that you could always do better? YesDo you blame yourself or other’s mistakes, feeling that their shortcomings are in some way your fault or responsibility? YesAre you hard on yourself with you fail to live up the standards or expectations that you’ve set for yourself? Yes73-75Do you tend to overextend your commitments? YesDo you find yourself overwhelmed by your work, and despite being capable fee you have taken on more than you can do? YesDo you become despondent when faced with the magnitude of your responsibilities? Yes76-78Have there been past traumas or shocks in your life, which you may not have completely recovered from? YesDo you feel a past surgery or accident is responsible for your present condition? YesHave you recently, or in the past, suffered personal loss which you haven’t quite gotten over? Yes79-81Do you feel you’ve reached the limits of your endurance, and there’s nothing but annihilation left to face? YesDo you suffer from mental anguish and deep despair? YesDo you feel that the burden of life is more than you can bear? Yes82-84Have you lost hope that you will recover from or be helped in overcoming an illness or difficulty? YesDo you feel it is useless to seek further help for your problems? YesHave you given up hope that things will change for the better in some circumstance or situation in your life? Yes85-87Do you ever become gloomy and depressed for no known reason? YesDoes this depression envelope you like a dark cloud, hiding the joy of life? YesDo you find this gloom and depression, for no apparent reason, lifts as suddenly as it comes? Yes88-90Are you easily discouraged when things don’t go your way? YesWhen setting out to accomplish a task, do you become over-sensitive to small delays and hindrances, which may lead to self-doubt, and at times to depression? YesIs it hard for you to start over again once you’ve encountered difficulties? Yes91-93Are you one who tirelessly struggles on despite oppositions and delays? YesCan you always be depended on to complete what you set out to do? YesDo you tend to throw yourself into your projects neglecting your own needs, as well as the needs of those close to you? Yes94-96Through no fault of your own, do you feel that life has been unfair or unjust to you? YesHave you become resentful and bitter toward those who may have treated you poorly? YesDespite all you have done, do you feel your best efforts have largely gone unrewarded, while others not as deserving as yourself, have gained? Yes97-101Do you feel unclean or ashamed over an act you should not have committed, or over someone or something having violated you personally? YesDo you find yourself preoccupied with small physical problems such as pimples, small blemishes or rashes, while overlooking more serious conditions? YesDo you feel there is something wrong with, or some things you would like changed, in your physical appearance? YesAre you compulsive about cleanliness, even at times to the extreme? YesAre you afraid of becoming, or feel you have already become contaminated and need to be cleansed? Yes102-104Are you possessive of those close to you and feel you know what’s best for them often directing And directing and correcting even small details of their lives? YesDo you feel you are not appreciated by those you care for? YesDo you find yourself needing the attention and devotion of those you love, feeling it’s their duty to stay in close contact with you? Yes105-107When assessing people and situations, do you look for what you can find wrong? YesDo the small habits and idiosyncrasies of others bother you? YesAre you critical and intolerant of those who don’t measure up to your standards or expectations? Yes108-110Do you have strong opinions which you attempt to convince others are right? YesAre you easily incensed by injustices, arguing for and defending principles which you believe in? YesAre you high-strung, at times tense and over-enthusiastic, always teaching and philosophizing? Yes111-113Do you feel you have a mission in life to conform with or live up to? YesAre you strict in your adherence to a religious or social discipline, or in a particular way of living? YesDo you feel it’s important to make an example of yourself by living up to your ideals, so that others may follow? Yes114-116Do you tend to take charge in circumstances and situations you’re involved with? YesAre you strong-willed and expect complete obedience (without question) from those around you? YesDo you consider yourself a “born leader”? YesDISCLAIMER:We make no claims as to the effectiveness of the Bach Remedies on the conditions described in the questionnaire. Persistent conditions and those conditions requiring medical attention should be attended to by a physician immediately. 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