Whole Brain Therapy

discover the hidden parts

Experiments in Brain Hemisphere Communication

Close Your Left Eye

Read a paragraph of unfamiliar technical information for about 30 seconds. Then, look away and verbally recall as much information as is humanly possible. 

Close Your Right Eye

Read a paragraph of unfamiliar technical information for about 30 seconds. Then, look away and verbally recall as much information as is humanly possible. 

Close Both Eyes

Cross your ankles & wrists [thumbs down, fingers laced together]. Locate your heartbeat. Feel & follow the beat & ignore all outside sounds for about a minute & you feel very calm.

Now Using Both Eyes

Read a paragraph of unfamiliar technical information for about 30 seconds. Then, look away and verbally recall as much information as is humanly possible.

Notice Your Results

Notice the improvement in your ease of calm focus and comprehension! This activity has residual effects, and each time that you use the heartbeat crossover strengthens the process so that ultimately you teach your brain to ’assume the position’ for problem-solving on autopilot. Imagine – a smarter brain created with a practice so simple! 

My junior high students reported big improvements in reading and math areas with better general focus as they used this habit consistently. One of my students taught this to her classmates, and said, “That was the best day we had all year!” And college students share progress with test study, anxiety, and performance – even to smarter guessing!