“I’m Lost in the Maze …  I Can’t Find My Purpose”

This is the frustration that I hear from the great majority of my clients who come for help.  This call for help seems to indicate that they must have missed the orientation class for success on Planet Earth, or they stink at following directions, or that they’re just plain unlucky. The personality that we came in with has so much to do with how we approach our journey – whether we drive with our logic or if our GPS is emotion-programmed – and how successful we are.

Totally using mind or feelings to guide us is dangerous (we know that), so that’s where Higher Consciousness, or Spirit, comes in.  There is a place within us that has a remembrance of, “I came here for a purpose!”

The alternate breath asks, “But what is it?” (Enter Confusion, stage left.)

That confusion magnifies, grows, and morphs until we get stuck, we sabotage ourselves, we stress, and we project onto others. Maybe the lofty goals (mission field, help world hunger, world peace, great fame) we ‘think’ or ‘feel’ we came to pursue become a weight on us.

Wouldn’t it be liberating (what freedom) if our Purpose here was always about helping others – about finding our connection and strengthening that? What if we have confused our purpose and our path? What if our path is a maze of our daily journeys and ventures where some days we hit a blank wall (maybe many days), and other days we have success? Consider the possibilities for more success with finances, relationships, stress, addiction, weight, pain, and depression – if we begin to listen after we ask for help.

As judgment becomes a heavy burden, consider acceptance as a worthy replacement, beginning with you. We grow what we focus on, so practice joy, laughter, and love. Try one new thing each week – thought, activity, food, or ‘walk in someone else’s shoes’. You can find your path, your purpose, and yourself by changing your focus. Hypnosis is a powerful tool to help you focus within, to be in that place of listening to find the answers that are always available.